Over 16 months ago I decided to try Organic and chemical free skin care, my reasons for this at the time were vanity.
In the past I have always suffered from a congested skin and as good as I could be with my skin care routine and having facials something wasn't working. I decided that I would give Organic and chemical free skin care a try and go from there, within a week my congestion had gone, my skin was looking radiant and felt and smelt amazing. So many people commented on how good it was looking and nobody knew what my little secret was! Thank goodness for Angela Langford.
I then began to investigate what the differences are between regular products and (skin care, cleaning products, toothpaste etc) chemical free products and the results were scary.
Parabens are preservatives, they are cheap to use and found in most products, we come in contact with them on a daily basis. We of course need to preserve all products that are made but not in a man made way, the natural approach is the safest. There are of course natural ingredients that can be used to preserve products and slowly there are more companies that are doing this.
Now as there always is there are two sides to every 'story' but if there are scientific results stating that there are links to cancer then I know that I don't wish to put those chemicals in my body.
Parabens mimic the hormone estrogen which is known to play a role in breast cancer, through research there have been evidence of parabens found in breast tumorous, they can effect sperm count and can cause ageing and may more studies link to many more situations.
Don't take my word for it, look on the ingredients list of any products you have at home and you will be amazed, it is usually a word and it then ends in 'paraben' eg benzylparaben.
I now use all products that are chemical free and try and spread the word to everyone I know, I even have clients passing on the information to their friends, family member and even strangers in shops!
At Another Little World we use Angela Langford organic skin care in all our treatments, available to buy from us direct.